Monday, January 23, 2017

Best time to relocate for your local or long distance move

Looking for the Best possible rate for your Local Move or Long Distance Move?

Summer / Spring Moving:
Well, summer & spring moving is the highest time for the average person relocated for a lot of reasons.
The kids are out of school and it make it easier to move when your not worrying about changing schools in the middle of the school year. Weather is usually better. Many people use there vacation time to move as well.
The Downside is there is a big demand for the moving industry which causes most moving company to charge premium rates. Also, sometimes hard to get a moving date, due to the demand. You would need to schedule your move about a month in advance for in most cases ,especially if you want a weekend.
Note: There are a lot of companies that charges higher rates on the weekends year round.
We Don't Charge Extra on Weekends!

Winter / Fall Moving:
Fall & Winter is a great time to move for a lot of reasons. The first reason is the weather is cooler in the west states. For local moves you can usually get a cheaper hourly rate and its much easier to schedule a move on short notice. For the long distance rates they can vary because its a slower time of year for the out of state moves, which means the moving companies don't travel as much and if you have a small shipment and the company isn't heading in your direction it could cost more. If you have a normal size move, like household furniture  & a Car you can get a good flat rate for your long distance move.
Downside for Local or long distance from the Mideast & East State weather could be a big factor on your move.

We hope all this information will help make your next move much easier. If you have a questions on your future move Please call us 7 days a week from 7am to 7pm!
Our rates are the Same 7days a week. 602-944-1413 or
 visit our website @